
The International Institute of Philosophy (IIP) was created in 1937 in Paris, on the occasion of the Descartes Congress, by the Paris Sorbonne and the University of Lund, Sweden. From its foundation, the President of the French Republic has offered his patronage to the Institute and he placed it under the public protection. UNESCO has also recognized the Institute as an expression of the worldwide philosophical community.

Its members, hereby including the emeritus members, come from more than forty countries around the world. IIP publishes various types of works. It organizes an yearly international congress, each time in a different country. The meetings of the scientific and administrative committees of the Institute, as well as its general assembly are held during the congress. The Institute is in contact with more than 300 universities. Its written correspondence extends to 102 countries.

The Institute has the legal statute of non-profit organization under French law; it is an association under the Law of 1st of July 1901, registered at the prefecture of police. Its headquarters, general secretariat administration and staff from the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique are housed in a building owned by the Chancellery of the Universities of Paris in Boulevard Raspail. Traditionally, by right of foundation, the general secretary and the administrator are French. The IIP has two working languages: French and English. The mandate of the IIP President lasts for three years. He’s chosen by co-option, after a national selection.

All the activities, interests and projects of the Institute have a strictly philosophical purpose. The Institute welcomes every form of thought and every opinion, but it bars itself from politics. It takes an official stand when the interests of philosophy are endangered in some part of the world or when a philosopher’s dignity is impugned.